About Me

I help people who are tired of the way things are, and want more.

I’m Deanna and I hate small talk.

Let me get right to the point. Countless times in the past, I laid awake at night thinking to myself, “There has got to be more than this…” It was the nagging feeling that there was more to life than what I was experiencing.

I’m not referring to FOMO (fear of missing out) or something driven by a sense of greed, such as wanting a certain designer purse or a fancy car. (I’m that person who wears a favorite pair of jeans until they fall apart and buys cheap makeup at the drug store.) This is not about material things, although there is nothing wrong  with a person having nice things. It’s also not about having everything go perfectly my way, or having a life with no problems or issues. That’s unrealistic, for anyone. We’ve all got issues.

I’m talking about a nagging sense of, “I believe there is more for me, but I’m not sure how to access it…

I have discovered that the nagging feeling I struggled with of, “there has to be more than this…” was true!

There was more.

There is more.

I’ve discovered it, and I’m now living out the greatest adventure of my life.

The best news is, it’s not just for me.

More is available for everyone.

More is available for YOU.

We don’t find more inside ourselves.

We don’t find it in running away to find ourselves.

We find more in the One who created us.

It lights my fire to lead people to faith in God and help them to receive the extraordinarily more He has for them.

If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, desperate…or worse, please know things don’t have to stay that way. I want to help you to move forward in faith, and experience the greatest adventure of your life.

I’m honored that you’re here, and I look forward to connecting with you.

If you’d like to receive resources and insights on how to move forward in faith toward the extraordinarily MORE that God has for you,, sign up here for my free newsletter. I guarantee, there will be no small talk.


Dr. Deanna Shrodes

Deanna Shrodes Smiling

Deanna Doss Shrodes is an ordained minister, author, speaker, musician, worship leader and recording artist who has been featured in many media including CBS News, People Magazine, Woman’s World, God TV and the Huffington Post. She holds a Masters in Ministerial Leadership and a Doctor of Ministry from Southeastern University. Currently she serves as the Women’s Ministries Director for the Pen Florida District of the Assemblies of God as well as Director of the Stronger Leadership Network. She is an adjunct professor at Southeastern University as well as the Curriculum Developer for the Elevate Leadership Network of the Assemblies of God. Additionally, she is the sole author of five books and a contributing writer to five books, with her next book, Uncommon Answers, being released by Chosen Books, (the Spirit-filled division of Baker Book Publishing), in April of 2025.  Deanna is married to her college sweetheart, Larry, and they have three grown children and four grandchildren. She loves learning something new every day.

Become Your Most Authentic Self

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Are you tired of being who and what others expect you to be, instead of who God created you to be?

If you find the pressure of other people's expectations exhausting and you are ready to be the authentic YOU that you were always meant to be, Deanna would like to gift you with an ebook, 29 Ways to Become Your Most Authentic Self.

It's time to break free and finally live according to your divine design!

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